• “Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage

    to save the world.”

    -Grace Paley

  • “The most courageous act is

    still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

    -Coco Chanel

  • “Be bold and mighty forces

    will come to your aid.”


  • “The opposite of courage is not cowardice. It is

    conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.”

    -Jim Hightower

  • “Courage is

    grace under pressure.”

    -Ernest Hemingway

  • “The secret of happiness is freedom, and

    the secret of freedom is courage.”


  • “Individual courage is the only

    interesting thing in life.”

    -Simone Signoret

  • “I’ve been through it all, baby.

    I’m Mother Courage.”

    -Elizabeth Taylor

  • “Courage is the first of human virtues

    because it makes all others possible.”


  • “Don't underestimate the importance you have - history

    has shown us that courage can be contagious.”

    -Michelle Obama

  • “One man with courage

    is a majority.”

    -Thomas Jefferson

  • “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;

    courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

    -Winston Churchill

  • “Courage is going from failure to failure

    without losing enthusiasm.”

    -Winston Churchill

  • “With enough courage,

    you can do without a reputation.”

    -Rhett Butler

  • “A ship in harbor is safe,

    but that is not what ships are built for.”

    -John Shedd

  • “There are only two mistakes one can make along

    the road to truth: not going all the way, and not starting.”


  • “Courage is fear

    that has said its prayers.”

    -Karle Wilson Baker

Recommended readings

Addario, Lynsey It’s What I Do; A Photographer’s Life of Love and War, New York: Penguin, 2015.

Bornstein, David How to Change the World; Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Bornstein, David “Where Does Moral Courage Come From?” New York Times, December 18, 2014.

Brach, Tara True Refuge, .New York: Bantam, 2016.

Brown, Brene Daring Greatly; How the courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead, New York: Avery, 2015.

Carter, Jimmy A Call to Action; Women, Religion, Violence and Power, New York: Simon and Shuster, 2014.

Elliott, Marianne Zen Under Fire: How I found Peace in the Midst of War, New York: Sourcebooks, 2014

Ensler, Eve In the Body of the World: A Memoir of Cancer and Connection, New York: Picador, 2014.

Fathi, Nazila The Lonely War; One Woman’s Account of the Struggle for Modern Iran, New York: Basic Books, 2014.

Ferguson, Gaylon Natural Bravery; Fear and Fearlessness as a Direct Path of Awakening, Boulder: Shambhala, 2016.

Galloway, Steven The Cellist of Sarajevo, New York: Penguin, 2008.

Gawande, Atul Being Mortal, New York: Metropolitan Books, 2015.

Helman, David R., Terence R. Mitchell, Pauline Schilpzand “An Inductively Generated Typology and Process Model of Workplace Courage. Organizational Science. 10 November 2014. pp. 1-26.

Intrator, Sam M., Megan Scribner Leading from Within; Poetry That Sustains the Courage to Lead, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2007.

Lamott, Anne Small Victories; Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace, New York: Riverhead Books, 2014.

Lokos, Allan Through the Flames; Overcoming Disaster Through Compassion, Patience, and Determination, New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2015.

McGonigal, Kelly The Upside of Stress: Why Stress is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It, New York: Avery, 2015.

Mitchell, Stephen, ed. Dropping Ashes on The Buddha; The Teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn, New York: Grove Press, 1976.

Nepo, Mark Finding Inner Courage, San Francisco: Conari, 2007.

Nyad, Diana Find A Way, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015.

Odede, Kennedy and Jessica Posner Find Me Unafraid; Love, Loss, and Hope in an African Slum, New York: HarperCollins, 2015.

Osho Courage; The Joy of Living Dangerously, New York: St. Martin’s Griffin, 1999.

Sharlach, Lisa “Rape as Genocide: Bangladesh, the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda”. New Political Science. March 2000, 22:1, pp. 89-102

Slahi, Mohamedou Ould Guantanamo Diary, Edited by Larry Siems. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2015.

Svoboda Elizabeth What Makes a Hero? The Surprising Science of Selflessness New York: Penguin, 2013.

The Compass of Zen; Zen Master Seung Sahn, Compiled and edited by Hyon Gak Sunim. Boston: Shambhala, 1992.

Velmans, Edith Edith’s Story; The True Story of a Young Girl’s Courage, Love and Survival During WWII, New York: Soho Press, 1998.

Velmans, Loet From P.O.W. to C.E.O.: An After-War Memoir, New York: van Horton Books, 2015.

Velmans, Loet  Long Way Back to the River Kwai; Memories of World War II, New York: Arcade Publishing, 2003.

Warrell, Margie Brave: 50 Everyday Acts of Courage to Thrive in Work, Love, and Life, Melbourne: Wiley, 2015.

Warrell, Margie Find Your Courage, New York: McGraw Hill, 2009

Wheatley, Margaret “Can I Be Fearless?” Service Space; Daily Good, April 25, 2015.

Whyte, David “Courage” in Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words, Langley, Washington: 2015.